Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Travesty in Columbus, Georgia -Will this nonsense ever end?????

The following was forwarded to me in the form of a letter shortly after this murder happened. It was written by a fraternity brother of Kenneth Walker:

Kenneth B. Walker was a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

He was another innocent, unarmed African American male who was brutally murdered by so called "law enforcement".

On December 10, 2003 a local sheriff's special unit targeted 4 black men riding in an expensive SUV as possible "drug suspects". The reality of the matter is that every individual in that SUV was a college graduate, as well as responsible citizen. These four innocent men were dragged from their vehicle at gunpoint, and forced to lie on the side of a major Interstate like animals. Simultaneously one of the "John Wayne" sheriffs made a conscious decision to shoot Kenny Walker in the front of the head twice, with a H&K MP5 assault rifle.

The coward who shot Kenny claimed that he made a "judgment call" because he couldn't see Kenny's right hand. While Kenny lie dying on the side of the road, the bastards knowing full well at this point that they had targeted the wrong vehicle, still harassed the other 3 gentlemen. They placed them in 3 separate cars and held them in 3 separate cells. Furthermore, Kenny was shot at 9:00pm and his family was not notified until 1:30 am. They didn't even get a chance to say their farewells, because he died before they arrived. Of course they found no guns or contraband in the vehicle. 6 hours later they released the other men. They gave the driver his keys and said, and I quote "you're free to go, by the way your friend is dead".

Kenneth Walker was a loving husband, devoted father and responsible civic oriented individual who was involved in the local community. Not only had Kenny never been in trouble with law; when they pulled his record they couldn't even find a speeding ticket! So what it amounts to is that if you are a black male in this country, no matter how righteous, your life is subject to come down to a "judgment call". To add insult to injustice, this tragedy is being stonewalled and quietly swept under the rug by local government officials. From what we understand, the entire incident was caught on tape. The Sheriff's Department is refusing to release the tape, which is a matter of public record under the "Freedom of Information" Act.

Columbus is a small town. The "Good Old Boy" network is very much alive there and the longer they hold the tape, the more likely it will be altered or disappear all together (remember the 90 seconds missing from the Cincinnati tape).

Update on this horrible case .

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Coming Soon!

Tributes for two American sheros that I have long since admired and who have never gotten the accolades that were due them-perhaps because they were both Black women.
Ella Baker
Fannie Lou Hamer

The African proverb is of course true: Until the lion writes his own story...the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

When I can truly do them justice in this forum I will be the Lion. Roarrrrrrrrr!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Who'll sing the love songs now?

I'm in a somber mood because I have been listening to Luther all weekend. It has finally hit me that we have heard the last of that distinctive mellow voice. As that old song goes, who'll take the weight? Is anyone out there ready? Do they have what it takes to not only sing a love song but feel it too? Are their experiences enough to make you feel what they sing? Will their songs take you back to the day and the hour and be able to describe what you were doing when you heard their song for the first time? When you hear the first chord of the first verse will their songs make you raise both your hands in the air and say "yes-I've been there too"? Will everyone want to cover their song but afraid to because they know it will always be compared to the original?

I hope so.

Goodbye Luther.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thoughts on July 4th

200 years later, I agree with Nelly Forrest's response to this day. And despite what American HIStory teaches about that "peculiar institution" she was born into, she was followed by many other courageous men and women. Being the true American patriots that they were, they acted on their belief of "give me liberty or give me death."

I honor you, sister Nelly.
Speak Truth to Power.