Saturday, January 01, 2005

Can't we all just get along?

If anyone needed an object lesson to answer the question of whether there is a Higher Power then the recent Tsunami should answer that question. Over 100,000 people killed instantly. One minute you're having fun in the sun and the next minute you're gone. Poof! More than twice the number of people died in this one catastrophic event than all the U. S. soldiers killed in the Vietnam War. There are no words to describe my utter shock and horror. We had all better learn to get along because our power is insignificant when compared to HIS power. It all starts with respecting each other, and there is no better way to do that than to learn about what a great people we ALL are. Everyday in 2005 I am going to share some information about the greatness of an otherwise overlooked population. The group for today is African American Women Writers .

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