Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Talented Tenth Revisited

My people are at the crossroads in our continuing effort to mature and grow as a body politic. Perhaps the model put forth by W.E.B.DuBois should be re-examined. To whom much is given much is required. We seem to be losing our children, and without children there can be no continuation of the culture. Of course this situation did not happen in a vacuum. Sam Yette talked about what plans the United States had for Black people many years ago in his book The Choice. The agenda has not changed. We are no longer useful in this country so we are expendable. The obituary has already been written and we are not being killed millions at a time-like the Germans killed the Jews-but hundreds daily. Not enough to raise the ire of too many people but it should be enough to get our attention. For some reason it does not. Some of us are sending out distress signals. Jawanza Kunjufu continually writes about the conspiracy to destroy our young people, especially our young boys. Essence Magazine and Spelman College [along with others, I'm sure] has a current campaign to take back the music from those who profit from disrespecting our young girls and women in vulgar videos and song lyrics. But all of us can play a much more important role in bringing us back to the throne of greatness. It won't cost us a penny and it is so painless we can do it each and every day. We can monitor ourselves in terms of what comes out of our mouths (and in acknowledgment of our 21st century technology savvy, our email transmissions). The Power of Words cannot be denied. When we take on the words of the enemy we become our own worst enemy. We are better than that. Let's show the world. Let's show ourselves. Peace and Love.

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