Sunday, September 11, 2005

5 Questions

A co-worker and I have been talking for a year about writing a book in point/ counterpoint style. We are both procrastinators, so we decided to start with these 5 questions. It might take us forever to answer them, so feel free to answer them now if you wish.

1. How old were you when you realized the emperor had no clothes?

2. When did you "get" what love is all about?

3. What is the one thing you would die for without any hesitation?

4. Is it more important to be educated or intelligent?

5. Describe the world you want your children to inherit.


TEXAD said...

1. Thirteen. After a series of horrible and senseless murders of innocent people-black and white-whose only crime was demanding that America live up to the promises it made to it's citizens in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

2. When I was in college and fell in love so hard that I could not eat, sleep, or breath. Because the feeling was mutual, we were always together. Friends got mad. Best friends really got mad. When I graduated from college we could not imagine being separated, so he packed up his stuff and came with me. The hometown boyfriend even had to reluctantly acknowledge that he could see that what I felt for college boyfreind was so much more than what he and I had.

3.The protection of my child. Period. Point blank. No hesitation.

4. Intelligent. Any fool can spend 3, 4, 5, 20 years in school. When they get out they will only be educated fools. Some of the most intelligent people that I know never finished high school. Educated people sometimes get so mired in what "the book" says that they fail to complete the mission. Sometimes they can never figure out what the mission is.

5. I want my descendants to inherit a world where they will be able to live out their dreams. Where they will truly be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Where love is a feeling and not just a word. Where money does not rule everything. Where all of G_d's children truly consider themselves brothers and sisters no matter where they happen to live. I guess what I want is Utopia, but Hey, reach for the stars.

Unknown said...

Oh! I like this game!

1. How old were you when you realized the emperor had no clothes?

Well, that depends on who the emperor is at any given age. The emperors of my life at an early age, were the brainwashed and lying authority figures, of all walks of life. Priest,nuns,mothers,grandparents,etc. If one feels the need to lie to a 5 yr old, something is not right. So I'd say five years old. If you mean the president, Jimmy Carter was on his way out, and Regan was in, everyone thought he was the anti-christ.

2. When did you "get" what love is all about?

Love is like beauty, you don't "get" it, you behold it, its a perception, a mood an attitude. Many people mistake all sorts of things for "love". I hope I never become so arrogant again as to assume I "get" anything. I don't feel the need to encapsulate things.

3. What is the one thing you would die for without any hesitation?

I've pondered this many times, only to come up blank. I don't know if that a curse or blessing. The generic response is one's child, I have no children.

4. Is it more important to be educated or intelligent?

Intellect:# The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.
Educated:# Having an education, especially one above the average.
#1. Showing evidence of schooling, training, or experience.
2. Having or exhibiting cultivation; cultured

With those definitions as a basis for my answer, an education without the ability to deliberate, leaves one incomplete. Not all education comes from books. An education of some sort is needed to make informed/educated, intellegent judgements. An education does not make one an intellectual, but an intellectual is most certainly educated. This must be the trick question?

5. Describe the world you want your children to inherit.

A world where humans will have evolved past the tribal, superstitious, fearmongering virus, that currently plagues this planet.